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The most popular Bible verses from Jeremiah - Page 17

Found 1,364 Verses (from 161)

Jeremiah 16:21

Bible Rank: 8,907
"Therefore I will teach them – this time I will teach them my power and might. Then they will know that my name is the LORD." NIV
Therefore [says the Lord] behold, I will make them know--[yes] this once I will make them know My power and My might; and they will know and recognize that My name is the Lord. AMP
Therefore, behold, I will this once cause them to know, I will cause them to know mine hand and my might; and they shall know that my name is The LORD. KJV

Jeremiah 5:12

Bible Rank: 8,978
They have lied about the LORD; they said, "He will do nothing! No harm will come to us; we will never see sword or famine." NIV
They have lied about and denied the Lord by saying, It is not He [Who speaks through His prophets]! Evil shall not come upon us; nor shall we see war or famine. AMP
They have belied the LORD, and said, It is not he; neither shall evil come upon us; neither shall we see sword nor famine: KJV

Jeremiah 3:16

Bible Rank: 8,979
In those days, when your numbers have increased greatly in the land," declares the LORD, "people will no longer say, 'The ark of the covenant of the LORD.' It will never enter their minds or be remembered; it will not be missed, nor will another one be made. NIV
And it shall be that when you have multiplied and increased in the land in those days, says the Lord, they shall no more say, The ark of the covenant of the Lord. It shall not come to mind, nor shall they [seriously] remember it, nor shall they miss or visit it, nor shall it be repaired or made again [for instead of the ark, which represented God's presence, He will show Himself to be present throughout the city]. [Isa. 65:17; Rev. 21:3, 22, 23.] AMP
And it shall come to pass, when ye be multiplied and increased in the land, in those days, saith the LORD, they shall say no more, The ark of the covenant of the LORD: neither shall it come to mind: neither shall they remember it; neither shall they visit it; neither shall that be done any more. KJV

Jeremiah 11:17

Bible Rank: 9,110
The LORD Almighty, who planted you, has decreed disaster for you, because the house of Israel and the house of Judah have done evil and aroused my anger by burning incense to Baal. NIV
For the Lord of hosts, Who planted you, has pronounced evil and calamity against you because of the evil which the house of Israel and the house of Judah have done against themselves in provoking Me to anger by offering incense to Baal. AMP
For the LORD of hosts, that planted thee, hath pronounced evil against thee, for the evil of the house of Israel and of the house of Judah, which they have done against themselves to provoke me to anger in offering incense unto Baal. KJV

Jeremiah 2:17

Bible Rank: 9,111
Have you not brought this on yourselves by forsaking the LORD your God when he led you in the way? NIV
Have you not brought this upon yourself by forsaking the Lord your God when He led you in the way? AMP
Hast thou not procured this unto thyself, in that thou hast forsaken the LORD thy God, when he led thee by the way? KJV

Jeremiah 15:20

Bible Rank: 9,162
I will make you a wall to this people, a fortified wall of bronze; they will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you to rescue and save you," declares the LORD." NIV
And I will make you to this people a fortified, bronze wall; they will fight against you, but they will not prevail over you, for I am with you to save and deliver you, says the Lord. AMP
And I will make thee unto this people a fenced brasen wall: and they shall fight against thee, but they shall not prevail against thee: for I am with thee to save thee and to deliver thee, saith the LORD. KJV

Jeremiah 12:1

Bible Rank: 9,163
You are always righteous, LORD, when I bring a case before you. Yet I would speak with you about your justice: Why does the way of the wicked prosper? Why do all the faithless live at ease? NIV
UNCOMPROMISINGLY RIGHTEOUS and rigidly just are You, O Lord, when I complain against and contend with You. Yet let me plead and reason the case with You: Why does the way of the wicked prosper? Why are all they at ease and thriving who deal very treacherously and deceitfully? AMP
Righteous art thou, O LORD, when I plead with thee: yet let me talk with thee of thy judgments: Wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper? wherefore are all they happy that deal very treacherously? KJV

Jeremiah 10:3

Bible Rank: 9,214
For the practices of the peoples are worthless; they cut a tree out of the forest, and a skilled worker shapes it with a chisel. NIV
For the customs and ordinances of the peoples are false, empty, and futile; it is but a tree which one cuts out of the forest [to make for himself a god], the work of the hands of the craftsman with the ax or other tool. AMP
For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. KJV

Jeremiah 3:13

Bible Rank: 9,215
Only acknowledge your guilt – you have rebelled against the LORD your God, you have scattered your favors to foreign gods under every spreading tree, and have not obeyed me," declares the LORD." NIV
Only know, understand, and acknowledge your iniquity and guilt--that you have rebelled and transgressed against the Lord your God and have scattered your favors among strangers under every green tree, and you have not obeyed My voice, says the Lord. AMP
Only acknowledge thine iniquity, that thou hast transgressed against the LORD thy God, and hast scattered thy ways to the strangers under every green tree, and ye have not obeyed my voice, saith the LORD. KJV

Jeremiah 32:37

Bible Rank: 9,260
I will surely gather them from all the lands where I banish them in my furious anger and great wrath; I will bring them back to this place and let them live in safety. NIV
Behold, I will gather them out of all countries to which I drove them in My anger and in My wrath and in great indignation; I will bring them again to this place, and I will make them dwell safely. AMP
Behold, I will gather them out of all countries, whither I have driven them in mine anger, and in my fury, and in great wrath; and I will bring them again unto this place, and I will cause them to dwell safely: KJV

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