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The most popular Bible verses from Jeremiah - Page 8

Found 1,364 Verses (from 71)

Jeremiah 10:17

Bible Rank: 5,213
Gather up your belongings to leave the land, you who live under siege. NIV
Gather up your bundle [of baggage] from the ground, O you who dwell under siege. AMP
Gather up thy wares out of the land, O inhabitant of the fortress. KJV

Jeremiah 7:11

Bible Rank: 5,236
Has this house, which bears my Name, become a den of robbers to you? But I have been watching! declares the LORD. NIV
Has this house, which is called by My Name, become a den of robbers in your eyes [a place of retreat for you between acts of violence]? Behold, I Myself have seen it, says the Lord. AMP
Is this house, which is called by my name, become a den of robbers in your eyes? Behold, even I have seen it, saith the LORD. KJV

Jeremiah 17:20

Bible Rank: 5,278
Say to them, 'Hear the word of the LORD, you kings of Judah and all people of Judah and everyone living in Jerusalem who come through these gates. NIV
Say to them, Hear the word of the Lord, you kings of Judah, and all Judah, and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem who enter through these gates. AMP
And say unto them, Hear ye the word of the LORD, ye kings of Judah, and all Judah, and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, that enter in by these gates: KJV

Jeremiah 10:18

Bible Rank: 5,297
For this is what the LORD says: "At this time I will hurl out those who live in this land; I will bring distress on them so that they may be captured." NIV
For thus says the Lord: Behold, I will sling out the inhabitants of the land at this time and will bring distress on them, that they may feel it and find it [to be as I have said, and turn to Me]. AMP
For thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will sling out the inhabitants of the land at this once, and will distress them, that they may find it so. KJV

Jeremiah 18:19

Bible Rank: 5,338
Listen to me, LORD; hear what my accusers are saying! NIV
Give heed to me, Lord; listen to [what] my adversaries [are plotting to do to me--and intercede]. AMP
Give heed to me, O LORD, and hearken to the voice of them that contend with me. KJV

Jeremiah 15:17

Bible Rank: 5,390
I never sat in the company of revelers, never made merry with them; I sat alone because your hand was on me and you had filled me with indignation. NIV
I sat not in the assembly of those who make merry, nor did I rejoice; I sat alone because Your [powerful] hand was upon me, for You had filled me with indignation. AMP
I sat not in the assembly of the mockers, nor rejoiced; I sat alone because of thy hand: for thou hast filled me with indignation. KJV

Jeremiah 29:31

Bible Rank: 5,470
"Send this message to all the exiles: 'This is what the LORD says about Shemaiah the Nehelamite: Because Shemaiah has prophesied to you, even though I did not send him, and has persuaded you to trust in lies," NIV
Send [this message] to all those in captivity, saying, Thus says the Lord concerning Shemaiah of Nehelam: Because Shemaiah has prophesied to you, though I did not send him, and has caused you to trust in a lie AMP
Send to all them of the captivity, saying, Thus saith the LORD concerning Shemaiah the Nehelamite; Because that Shemaiah hath prophesied unto you, and I sent him not, and he caused you to trust in a lie: KJV

Jeremiah 3:8

Bible Rank: 5,533
I gave faithless Israel her certificate of divorce and sent her away because of all her adulteries. Yet I saw that her unfaithful sister Judah had no fear; she also went out and committed adultery. NIV
And I saw, even though [Judah knew] that for this very cause of committing adultery (idolatry) I [the Lord] had put faithless Israel away and given her a bill of divorce; yet her faithless and treacherous sister Judah was not afraid, but she also went and played the harlot [following after idols]. AMP
And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also. KJV

Jeremiah 14:16

Bible Rank: 5,615
And the people they are prophesying to will be thrown out into the streets of Jerusalem because of the famine and sword. There will be no one to bury them, their wives, their sons and their daughters. I will pour out on them the calamity they deserve. NIV
And the people to whom they prophesy shall be cast out in the streets of Jerusalem, victims of famine and sword; and they shall have none to bury them--them, their wives, their sons, and their daughters. For I will pour out their wickedness upon them [and not on their false teachers only, for the people could not have been deceived except by their own consent]. AMP
And the people to whom they prophesy shall be cast out in the streets of Jerusalem because of the famine and the sword; and they shall have none to bury them, them, their wives, nor their sons, nor their daughters: for I will pour their wickedness upon them. KJV

Jeremiah 3:7

Bible Rank: 5,633
I thought that after she had done all this she would return to me but she did not, and her unfaithful sister Judah saw it. NIV
And I said, After she has done all these things, she will return to Me; but she did not return, and her faithless and treacherous sister Judah saw it. AMP
And I said after she had done all these things, Turn thou unto me. But she returned not. And her treacherous sister Judah saw it. KJV

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