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The most popular Bible verses from Proverbs - Page 88

Found 915 Verses (from 871)

Proverbs 28:12

Bible Rank: 25,245
When the righteous triumph, there is great elation; but when the wicked rise to power, people go into hiding. NIV
When the [uncompromisingly] righteous triumph, there is great glory and celebration; but when the wicked rise [to power], men hide themselves. AMP
When righteous men do rejoice, there is great glory: but when the wicked rise, a man is hidden. KJV

Proverbs 25:22

Bible Rank: 25,246
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the LORD will reward you. NIV
For in doing so, you will heap coals of fire upon his head, and the Lord will reward you. AMP
For thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head, and the LORD shall reward thee. KJV

Proverbs 30:3

Bible Rank: 25,328
I have not learned wisdom, nor have I attained to the knowledge of the Holy One. NIV
I have not learned skillful and godly Wisdom, that I should have the knowledge or burden of the Holy One. AMP
I neither learned wisdom, nor have the knowledge of the holy. KJV

Proverbs 26:15

Bible Rank: 25,606
Sluggards bury their hands in the dish and are too lazy to bring them back to their mouths. NIV
The slothful and self-indulgent buries his hand in his bosom; it distresses and wearies him to bring it again to his mouth. [Prov. 19:24.] AMP
The slothful hideth his hand in his bosom; it grieveth him to bring it again to his mouth. KJV

Proverbs 26:6

Bible Rank: 25,647
To send a message by the hands of a fool is like cutting off one's feet or drinking poison. NIV
He who sends a message by the hand of a fool cuts off the feet [of satisfactory delivery] and drinks the damage. [Prov. 13:17.] AMP
He that sendeth a message by the hand of a fool cutteth off the feet, and drinketh damage. KJV

Proverbs 25:3

Bible Rank: 25,648
As the heavens are high and the earth is deep, so the hearts of kings are unsearchable. NIV
As the heavens for height and the earth for depth, so the hearts and minds of kings are unsearchable. AMP
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable. KJV

Proverbs 27:13

Bible Rank: 25,689
Take the garment of one who puts up security for a stranger; hold it in pledge if it is done for an outsider. NIV
[The judge tells the creditor] Take the garment of one who is security for a stranger; and hold him in pledge when he is security for foreigners. [Prov. 20:16.] AMP
Take his garment that is surety for a stranger, and take a pledge of him for a strange woman. KJV

Proverbs 29:6

Bible Rank: 25,767
Evildoers are snared by their own sin, but the righteous shout for joy and are glad. NIV
In the transgression of an evil man there is a snare, but the [uncompromisingly] righteous man sings and rejoices. AMP
In the transgression of an evil man there is a snare: but the righteous doth sing and rejoice. KJV

Proverbs 23:16

Bible Rank: 25,768
My inmost being will rejoice when your lips speak what is right. NIV
Yes, my heart will rejoice when your lips speak right things. AMP
Yea, my reins shall rejoice, when thy lips speak right things. KJV

Proverbs 30:16

Bible Rank: 25,823
The grave, the barren womb, land, which is never satisfied with water, and fire, which never says, 'Enough!' NIV
Sheol (the place of the dead), the barren womb, the earth that is not satisfied with water, and the fire that says not, It is enough. AMP
The grave; and the barren womb; the earth that is not filled with water; and the fire that saith not, It is enough. KJV

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