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Popular Bible Verses about Covenant - Page 13

Found 352 Verses (from 121)

2 Samuel 7:28

Bible Rank: 11,539
Sovereign LORD, you are God! Your covenant is trustworthy, and you have promised these good things to your servant. NIV
And now, O Lord God, You are God, and Your words are truth, and You have promised this good thing to Your servant. AMP
And now, O Lord GOD, thou art that God, and thy words be true, and thou hast promised this goodness unto thy servant: KJV

Deuteronomy 10:8

Bible Rank: 11,553
At that time the LORD set apart the tribe of Levi to carry the ark of the covenant of the LORD, to stand before the LORD to minister and to pronounce blessings in his name, as they still do today. NIV
At that time the Lord set apart the tribe of Levi to bear the ark of the covenant of the Lord, to stand before the Lord to minister to Him and to bless in His name unto this day. AMP
At that time the LORD separated the tribe of Levi, to bear the ark of the covenant of the LORD, to stand before the LORD to minister unto him, and to bless in his name, unto this day. KJV

Deuteronomy 5:2

Bible Rank: 11,627
The LORD our God made a covenant with us at Horeb. NIV
The Lord our God made a covenant with us in Horeb. AMP
The LORD our God made a covenant with us in Horeb. KJV

Zechariah 11:10

Bible Rank: 11,642
Then I took my staff called Favor and broke it, revoking the covenant I had made with all the nations. NIV
And I took my staff, Beauty or Grace, and broke it in pieces to show that I was annulling the covenant or agreement which I had made with all the peoples [not to molest them]. AMP
And I took my staff, even Beauty, and cut it asunder, that I might break my covenant which I had made with all the people. KJV

2 Chronicles 5:2

Bible Rank: 11,742
Then Solomon summoned to Jerusalem the elders of Israel, all the heads of the tribes and the chiefs of the Israelite families, to bring up the ark of the LORD's covenant from Zion, the City of David. NIV
Then Solomon assembled the elders of Israel and all the heads of the tribes, the chiefs of the fathers' houses of the Israelites, to Jerusalem to bring up the ark of the covenant of the Lord out of the City of David, which is Zion. AMP
Then Solomon assembled the elders of Israel, and all the heads of the tribes, the chief of the fathers of the children of Israel, unto Jerusalem, to bring up the ark of the covenant of the LORD out of the city of David, which is Zion. KJV

Joshua 3:3

Bible Rank: 11,769
Giving orders to the people: "When you see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, and the Levitical priests carrying it, you are to move out from your positions and follow it." NIV
Commanding the people: When you see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God being borne by the Levitical priests, set out from where you are and follow it. AMP
And they commanded the people, saying, When ye see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, and the priests the Levites bearing it, then ye shall remove from your place, and go after it. KJV

1 Chronicles 11:3

Bible Rank: 11,974
When all the elders of Israel had come to King David at Hebron, he made a covenant with them at Hebron before the LORD, and they anointed David king over Israel, as the LORD had promised through Samuel. NIV
So all the elders of Israel came to the king at Hebron, and David made a covenant with them there before the Lord, and they anointed [him] king over Israel, according to the word of the Lord through Samuel. [I Sam. 16:1, 12, 13.] AMP
Therefore came all the elders of Israel to the king to Hebron; and David made a covenant with them in Hebron before the LORD; and they anointed David king over Israel, according to the word of the LORD by Samuel. KJV

2 Kings 11:4

Bible Rank: 12,065
In the seventh year Jehoiada sent for the commanders of units of a hundred, the Carites and the guards and had them brought to him at the temple of the LORD. He made a covenant with them and put them under oath at the temple of the LORD. Then he showed them the king's son. NIV
In the seventh year Jehoiada [the priest, Jehosheba's husband] sent for the captains over hundreds of the Carites and of the guards or runners and brought them to him to the house of the Lord and made a covenant with them and took an oath from them in the house of the Lord and showed them the king's [hidden] son. AMP
And the seventh year Jehoiada sent and fetched the rulers over hundreds, with the captains and the guard, and brought them to him into the house of the LORD, and made a covenant with them, and took an oath of them in the house of the LORD, and shewed them the king's son. KJV

Judges 2:20

Bible Rank: 12,077
Therefore the LORD was very angry with Israel and said, "Because this nation has violated the covenant I ordained for their ancestors and has not listened to me," NIV
So the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel; and He said, Because this people have transgressed My covenant which I commanded their fathers and have not listened to My voice AMP
And the anger of the LORD was hot against Israel; and he said, Because that this people hath transgressed my covenant which I commanded their fathers, and have not hearkened unto my voice; KJV

Exodus 6:4

Bible Rank: 12,191
I also established my covenant with them to give them the land of Canaan, where they resided as foreigners. NIV
I have also established My covenant with them to give them the land of Canaan, the land of their temporary residence in which they were strangers. AMP
And I have also established my covenant with them, to give them the land of Canaan, the land of their pilgrimage, wherein they were strangers. KJV

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