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Popular Bible Verses about Kill - Page 7

Found 246 Verses (from 61)

Mark 9:22

Bible Rank: 7,708
"It has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him. But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us." NIV
And it has often thrown him both into fire and into water, intending to kill him. But if You can do anything, do have pity on us and help us. AMP
And ofttimes it hath cast him into the fire, and into the waters, to destroy him: but if thou canst do any thing, have compassion on us, and help us. KJV

Genesis 4:14

Bible Rank: 7,725
"Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me." NIV
Behold, You have driven me out this day from the face of the land, and from Your face I will be hidden; and I will be a fugitive and a vagabond and a wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me. AMP
Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me. KJV

Genesis 12:12

Bible Rank: 8,005
When the Egyptians see you, they will say, 'This is his wife.' Then they will kill me but will let you live. NIV
So when the Egyptians see you, they will say, This is his wife; and they will kill me, but they will let you live. AMP
Therefore it shall come to pass, when the Egyptians shall see thee, that they shall say, This is his wife: and they will kill me, but they will save thee alive. KJV

Exodus 2:15

Bible Rank: 8,098
When Pharaoh heard of this, he tried to kill Moses, but Moses fled from Pharaoh and went to live in Midian, where he sat down by a well. NIV
When Pharaoh heard of it, he sought to slay Moses. But Moses fled from Pharaoh's presence and took refuge in the land of Midian, where he sat down by a well. AMP
Now when Pharaoh heard this thing, he sought to slay Moses. But Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh, and dwelt in the land of Midian: and he sat down by a well. KJV

Mark 12:7

Bible Rank: 8,327
"But the tenants said to one another, 'This is the heir. Come, let's kill him, and the inheritance will be ours.'" NIV
But those tenants said to one another, Here is the heir; come on, let us put him to death, and [then] the inheritance will be ours. AMP
But those husbandmen said among themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and the inheritance shall be our's. KJV

Exodus 5:21

Bible Rank: 8,356
And they said, "May the LORD look on you and judge you! You have made us obnoxious to Pharaoh and his officials and have put a sword in their hand to kill us." NIV
And the foremen said to them, The Lord look upon you and judge, because you have made us a rotten stench to be detested by Pharaoh and his servants and have put a sword in their hand to slay us. AMP
And they said unto them, The LORD look upon you, and judge; because ye have made our savour to be abhorred in the eyes of Pharaoh, and in the eyes of his servants, to put a sword in their hand to slay us. KJV

Exodus 4:23

Bible Rank: 8,391
"And I told you, "Let my son go, so he may worship me." But you refused to let him go; so I will kill your firstborn son." NIV
And I say to you, Let My son go, that he may serve Me; and if you refuse to let him go, behold, I will slay your son, your firstborn. AMP
And I say unto thee, Let my son go, that he may serve me: and if thou refuse to let him go, behold, I will slay thy son, even thy firstborn. KJV

Exodus 12:6

Bible Rank: 8,492
Take care of them until the fourteenth day of the month, when all the members of the community of Israel must slaughter them at twilight. NIV
And you shall keep it until the fourteenth day of the same month; and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall [each] kill [his] lamb in the evening. AMP
And ye shall keep it up until the fourteenth day of the same month: and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening. KJV

Mark 12:9

Bible Rank: 8,779
"What then will the owner of the vineyard do? He will come and kill those tenants and give the vineyard to others." NIV
Now what will the owner of the vineyard do? He will come and destroy the tenants, and give the vineyard to others. AMP
What shall therefore the lord of the vineyard do? he will come and destroy the husbandmen, and will give the vineyard unto others. KJV

Deuteronomy 12:21

Bible Rank: 8,847
If the place where the LORD your God chooses to put his Name is too far away from you, you may slaughter animals from the herds and flocks the LORD has given you, as I have commanded you, and in your own towns you may eat as much of them as you want. NIV
If the place where the Lord your God has chosen to put His Name [and Presence] is too far from you, then you shall kill from your herd or flock which the Lord has given you, as I [Moses] have commanded you; eat in your towns as much as you desire. AMP
If the place which the LORD thy God hath chosen to put his name there be too far from thee, then thou shalt kill of thy herd and of thy flock, which the LORD hath given thee, as I have commanded thee, and thou shalt eat in thy gates whatsoever thy soul lusteth after. KJV

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