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Popular Bible Verses about Suddenly - Page 4

Found 74 Verses (from 31)

Numbers 16:42

Bible Rank: 11,696
But when the assembly gathered in opposition to Moses and Aaron and turned toward the tent of meeting, suddenly the cloud covered it and the glory of the LORD appeared. NIV
When the congregation was gathered against Moses and Aaron, they looked at the Tent of Meeting, and behold, the cloud covered it and they saw the Lord's glory. AMP
And it came to pass, when the congregation was gathered against Moses and against Aaron, that they looked toward the tabernacle of the congregation: and, behold, the cloud covered it, and the glory of the LORD appeared. KJV

Joshua 10:9

Bible Rank: 11,858
After an all-night march from Gilgal, Joshua took them by surprise. NIV
So Joshua came upon them suddenly, having gone up from Gilgal all night. AMP
Joshua therefore came unto them suddenly, and went up from Gilgal all night. KJV

Jeremiah 4:20

Bible Rank: 11,892
Disaster follows disaster; the whole land lies in ruins. In an instant my tents are destroyed, my shelter in a moment. NIV
News of one violent disaster and calamity comes close after another, for the whole land is laid waste; suddenly are my tents spoiled and destroyed, and my [tent] curtains ruined in a moment. AMP
Destruction upon destruction is cried; for the whole land is spoiled: suddenly are my tents spoiled, and my curtains in a moment. KJV

Joshua 11:7

Bible Rank: 12,003
So Joshua and his whole army came against them suddenly at the Waters of Merom and attacked them NIV
So Joshua and all the people of war with him came against them suddenly by the Waters of Merom and fell upon them. AMP
So Joshua came, and all the people of war with him, against them by the waters of Merom suddenly; and they fell upon them. KJV

Job 5:3

Bible Rank: 12,311
I myself have seen a fool taking root, but suddenly his house was cursed. NIV
I have seen the foolish taking root [and outwardly prospering], but suddenly I saw that his dwelling was cursed [for his doom was certain]. AMP
I have seen the foolish taking root: but suddenly I cursed his habitation. KJV

Deuteronomy 7:4

Bible Rank: 12,350
For they will turn your children away from following me to serve other gods, and the LORD's anger will burn against you and will quickly destroy you. NIV
For they will turn away your sons from following Me, that they may serve other gods; so will the anger of the Lord be kindled against you and He will destroy you quickly. AMP
For they will turn away thy son from following me, that they may serve other gods: so will the anger of the LORD be kindled against you, and destroy thee suddenly. KJV

Luke 2:13

Bible Rank: 12,523
Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying NIV
Then suddenly there appeared with the angel an army of the troops of heaven (a heavenly knighthood), praising God and saying AMP
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, KJV

Proverbs 7:22

Bible Rank: 13,337
All at once he followed her like an ox going to the slaughter, like a deer stepping into a noose NIV
Suddenly he [yields and] follows her reluctantly like an ox moving to the slaughter, like one in fetters going to the correction [to be given] to a fool or like a dog enticed by food to the muzzle AMP
He goeth after her straightway, as an ox goeth to the slaughter, or as a fool to the correction of the stocks; KJV

Matthew 28:9

Bible Rank: 13,600
Suddenly Jesus met them. "Greetings," he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. NIV
And as they went, behold, Jesus met them and said, Hail (greetings)! And they went up to Him and clasped His feet and worshiped Him. AMP
And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him. KJV

Jeremiah 6:26

Bible Rank: 13,779
Put on sackcloth, my people, and roll in ashes; mourn with bitter wailing as for an only son, for suddenly the destroyer will come upon us. NIV
O daughter of my people [says Jeremiah], gird yourself with sackcloth and wallow in ashes; make mourning as for an only son, a most bitter lamentation, for the destroyer will suddenly come upon us [on prophet and people]. AMP
O daughter of my people, gird thee with sackcloth, and wallow thyself in ashes: make thee mourning, as for an only son, most bitter lamentation: for the spoiler shall suddenly come upon us. KJV

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